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Anuran carcass persistence on roads: causes and implications for conservation

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Anuran carcass persistence on roads: causes and implications for conservation Issue ,

Precipitation and temperature interact causing a non-linear response in carcass persistence dynamics. As the time between surveys increases, so does the likelihood of missing data. Warm-wet days have the strongest effect on persistence duration.

Factors influencing daily nest survival rates of Aleutian terns in the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska

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Factors influencing daily nest survival rates of Aleutian terns in the Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska Issue ,

Our study highlights the need for more demographic information about the Aleutian tern breeding population in Alaska, USA. This study investigated potential causes of nest failure and established baseline nest survival rates at Aleutian tern colonies on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Model-averaged nest survival rates over a 4-year study were well below the estimated level of nest productivity needed for other species of terns to maintain stable population sizes.

Open access

Choosing the best small‐mammal survey method to maximize efficiency and accurately inform wildlife hazard management at airports

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Choosing the best small-mammal survey method to maximize efficiency and accurately inform wildlife hazard management at airports Issue ,

Surveys of small mammal populations at airports inform species relative abundance estimates, information used by airport biologists to direct management to reduce strike risk. From our review, we identified snap-traps and tracking tunnels as the two most-promising small-mammal survey methods for most airports, considering the breadth of applications across land covers and climate, and given their low equipment costs, moderate labor costs, and short time from deployment to calculating a relative abundance estimate.

Open access

Chronic wasting disease prions on deer feeders and wildlife visitation to deer feeding areas

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Chronic wasting disease prions on deer feeders and wildlife visitation to deer feeding areas Issue ,

We determined that deer feeders experienced more deer and raccoon visitation and deer-to-deer contacts than food plots and mast trees, demonstrating a risk for direct and indirect disease transmission. Additionally, we swabbed deer feeders for evidence of chronic wasting disease (CWD) prion contamination. We found prion seeding activity from all types of experimental feeders, including those in areas where CWD was newly detected and feeders that excluded deer but permitted raccoon access.

Evaluating the effectiveness of retrofitting water control structures with manatee protection systems to reduce mortality

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Evaluating the effectiveness of retrofitting water control structures with manatee protection systems to reduce mortality Issue ,

Extensive mitigation efforts have been made to protect Florida manatees. We evaluated the effectiveness of manatee protection systems at navigational lock and water control structures and found when protection systems are functional and protocols are followed, manatee mortality is significantly reduced.

The Wildlife Society

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